Pines Lake - 2007 - Shutting The Dam Siphon Valve
Bill Maloney

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13SiphonValveClosed 14SiphonValveClosed 15ALittleSeepage 16CatchBasinEmpties
13 Siphon Valve Closed 14 Siphon Valve Closed 15 A Little Seepage 16 Catch Basin Empties
17KenNHollyDiscuss 18KensLeakage 19ValveSeepage 20DunkinPumpkin
17 Ken & Holly Discuss 18 Ken's Leakage 19 Valve Seepage 20 Dunkin Pumpkin
21TheCatchBasinDrains 22HollyTakesAPeek 23SiphonValveTakesALeak 24KenWalloNHollyRyan
21 The Catch Basin Drains 22 Holly Takes A Peek 23 Siphon Valve Takes A Leak 24 Ken Wallo & Holly Ryan

The Valve does leak a little which is OK for now. If the lake does fill too rapidly we can start the siphon up again easily as the pipe will still be filled with a column of water.

Pines Lake 2007 Main Page
