Mid Atlantic Air Museum - Curtis Wright Dehmel Flight Duplicator
Bill Maloney

01DehmelFlightDuplicator 02DehmelInstrumentPanel 03DehmelCockpit 04DehmelInstructorsControls
01 Dehmel Flight Duplicator 02 Dehmel Instrument Panel 03 Dehmel Cockpit 04 Dehmel Instructor's Controls
05DehmelInstructorsControls 06DehmelInstructorsControls 07DehmelInstructorsControls 08DehmelFlightDuplicator
05 Dehmel Instructor's Controls 06 Dehmel Instructor's Controls 07 Dehmel Instructor's Controls 08 Dehmel Flight Duplicator

Dehmel Flight Trainer/Simulator Specifications:

Dehmel Flight Duplicator/Simulator Dehmel Flight Duplicator
Another Dehmel Flight Duplicator can be found at the Aviation Hall of Fame Museum of New Jersey in Teterboro, NJ A Dehmel Flight Duplicator at the Wings of Eagles Museum in Horseheads, NY

Inventor: Richard Dehmel, Ph. D. 1904-1992
Curtiss Wright
Cost Savings:
60% - Based on Pan Am's abilty to reduce in flight training from 21 hrs per crew to 8 hours per crew.
January 10, 1950
Production Start:
Number Built : 1,948
Cockpit Layout : B-25J
Cost: $


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