Militia Museum of NJ - Hughes OH-6A Cayuse Helicopter
Bill Maloney

01HughesOH6ACayuseHelicopte 02HughesOH6ACayuseHelicopte 03HughesOH6ACayuseHelicopte 04OH6AHelicopterCockpit
01 Hughes OH-6A Cayuse Helicopter 02 Hughes OH-6A Cayuse Helicopter 03 Hughes OH-6A Cayuse Helicopter 04 OH-6A Helicopter Cockpit
05OH6AHelicopterTailRotor 06OH6AHelicopterRearView 07OH6AHelicopterJetExhaust 08OH6AHelicopterRotorHub
05 OH-6A Helicopter Tail Rotor 06 OH-6A Helicopter Rear View 07 OH-6A Helicopter Jet Exhaust 08 OH-6A Helicopter Rotor Hub

Hughes OH-6A Cayuse Helicopter Specifications:

More Hughes OH-6 Cayuse Helicopters at other
Aviation Museums in the Northeast
Hughes OH-6 Helicopter OH-6 Cayuse
Another Hughes OH-6 Cayuse Helicopter at the American Helicopter Museum in North Kingston, RI Hughes Cayuse Helicopter at the Empire State Aerosciences Museum in Schenectady, NY
Cayuse Helicopter OH-6 Cayuse
One more Hughes OH-6 Helicopter at the Quonset Air Museum in North Kingston, RI Hughes OH-6 Cayuse Helicopter at the Naval Air Station Wildwood Museum in Rio Grande, NJ
Hughes OH-6 Osage Hughes OH-6 Cayuse Helicopter
Hughes OH-6 Osage at the Wings of Eagles Museum in Horseheads, NY A Hughes OH-6 Cayuse Helicopter at the Vermont Militia Museum in Essex Junction, VT

Fuselage Length: 23 feet 2 inches
Rotor Diameter:
26 feet 4 Inches
8 feet, 6 inches
Empty 1,200 lbs Loaded - 2,500 lbs
Max Speed: 172 mph
Cruise Speed: 150 mph
Range: 380 miles
Service Ceiling: 22,000 feet
Fuel Capacity: 52 gallons
Powerplant: Allison T63-5A turboshaft 316 shaft hp
First Flight : 1965
Cost: $860,000

Here's a Youtube video of Hughes OH-6 Cayuse Helicopter from the cockpit and in the air. And some footage an OH-6 Helicopter at an airshow.

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