Vermont Military Museum - M973 Small Unit Support Vehicle
Bill Maloney 12/5/2009 |
Length: 22 feet 7 inches
Width: 5 feet, 11 inches
Height: 7 feet, 10 inches
Crew: 1 + 5 in front cab, 11 in rear
Weight: 6,030lbs front cab, 7,400 max - , 3,800lbs, 7,300lbs max
Max Speed: 32mph land, 3mph water
Range: 204 miles
Armor: None -
Powerplant: Mercedes Benz
inline water cooled diesel engine 125hp
Fuel Capacity: 42 gallons
Entered Service: 1981
Unit Cost: $
Here's a video of an M973 (the BV206 model) negotiating some pretty lumpy terrain. And another M973 variant video (a BV206) running through a water obstacle among other things.
Vermont Military Museum Main Page
Military & Aviation Museums Main Page