Vermont Military Museum - M7 Priest Self Propelled Gun
Bill Maloney

01M7PriestSelfPropelledGun 02M7PriestSelfPropelledGun 03M7PriestDriveSprocket 04M7PriestIdlerSprocket
01 M7 Priest Self Propelled Gun 02 M7 Priest Self Propelled Gun 03 M7 Priest Drive Sprocket 04 M7 Priest Idler Sprocket
05M7PriestBogieWheels 06M7PriestSPGTracks 07M7PriestHowitzer 08M1Howitzer105mm
05 M7 Priest Bogie Wheels 06 M7 Priest SPG Tracks 07 M7 Priest Howitzer 08 M1 Howitzer 105mm
09M7PriestCargoBasket 10M7PriestDriversPosition 11M7PriestMachineGunPulpit 12M7PriestSPGRear
09 M7 Priest Cargo Basket 10 M7 Priest Driver's Position 11 M7 Priest Machine Gun Pulpit 12 M7 Priest SPG Rear
13 M7 Priest Self Propelled Gun

M7 Priest Self Propelled Gun Specifications:

More M7 Priest Self Propelled Howitzers at other Military Museums in the northeast
M7 Priest Self Propelled Gun M7 Priest Self Propelled Gun
Another M7 Priest Self Propelled Gun at the US Army Ordnance Museum in Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Aberdeen, MD M7 Priest Self Propelled Gun at the Patton Museum in Fort Knox, KY
  M7 Priest Self Propelled Gun
  M7 Priest Self Propelled Gun at the Fort Dix Army Reserve Mobilization Museum in Fort Dix, NJ

Length: 19 feet 8 inches
9 feet, 5 inches
8 feet, 6 inch
23 Tons
Max Speed: 24mph
Range: 120 miles
Armor: inch frontal
Powerplant: One Continental R-975 Radial Air Cooled Gas Engine 400hp
Fuel Capacity: 175 gallons
 One 105 M1 Howitzer
 One 50 cal Machine Gun
Entered Service: 1942
Unit Cost: $

Here's a Youtube video of an M7 Priest on the move at a military show. One more M7 Priest video, this time firing its howitzer.

Vermont Military Museum Main Page

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