Floyd Bennett Field - HARP - Grumman S-2 Tracker
Bill Maloney

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01GrummanS-1Tracker 02GrummanS-1Tracker 03GrummanS-1NoseGear 04GrummanS-1NoseGear
01 Grumman S-2 Tracker 02 Grumman S-2 Tracker 03 Grumman S-2 Nose Gear 04 Grumman S-2 Nose Gear
05GrummanS-1MainGear 06GrummanS-1MainGear 07WrightR1820Radial 08WrightR1820Radial
05 Grumman S-2 Main Gear 06 Grumman S-2 Main Gear 07 Wright R-1820 Radial Engine 08 Wright R-1820 Radial Engine
09GrummanS-1Fuselage 10GrummanS-1FlareDispensers 11GrummanS-1Fuselage 12GrummanS-1ShipID
09 Grumman S-2 Fuselage 10 Grumman S-2 Flare Dispensers 11 Grumman S-2 Fuselage 12 Grumman S-2 Ship ID
13GrummanS-1Flaps 14WrightR1820Radial 15R1820FuelNHydraulicLines 16GrummanS-1CabinDoor
13 Grumman S-2 Tracker Flaps 14 Wright R-1820 Radial Engine 15 R-1820 Fuel & Hydraulic Lines 16 Grumman S-2 Cabin Door

Grumman S-2 Tracker Specifications:

Grumman E-1B Tracer and S-2 Tracker at other Aviation Museums in the Northeast
Grumman E-1B Tracer Grumman C-1A Trader
An AWAC version of this Grumman, the E-1B Tracer, can be found at the New England Air Museum near Hartford, CT Another Grumman C-1A Trader can be found at the Delaware Valley Historical Aircraft Association in Willow Grove, PA
DeHavilland CS2 Tracker Grumman C-1A Trader
DeHavilland CS2F Tracker at the Canadian Air & Space Museum in Toronto, Canada Grumman C-1A Trader at the Quonset Air Museum in North Kingston, RI
DeHavilland S-2 Tracker DeHavilland S-2 Tracker
A DeHavilland S-2 Tracker at the Royal Canadian Air Force Museum in Trenton, Ontario, Canada A DeHavilland S-2 Tracker at the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum in Mount Hope, Ontario, Canada
Grumman S2F Tracker Flight Simulator Grumman S-2F Tracker
A Grumman S2F Tracker Flight Simulator at the Wings of Eagles Discovery Center in Horseheads, NY One more Grumman S2F Tracker at the MAPS Air Museum in North Canton, OH

Length: 43 feet 6 inches
72 feet, 7 inches
16 feet, 7 inches
Empty 19,000 lbs Loaded - 29,100 lbs
Max Speed: 242 mph
Cruise Speed: 155 mph
Range: 1,000 miles
Service Ceiling: 18,000 feet
Fuel Capacity: 520 gal
Powerplant: Two Wright R-1820-82WA air cooled radial engines 1,525 hp each
 Two homing torpedoes and depth charges in bomb bay
 Torpedoes, Rockets or depth charges on 6 underwing hardpoints
First Flight: 1954
Cost: $

David D Jackson has built an extensive set of web pages focused on Grumman S-2 Tracker aircraft. He includes fuselage numbers, locations, and short histories of surviving Grumman S-2 Trackers, Traders, and Tracers.

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