USS Slater - October 2020 Work Week
Bill Maloney

page 9 of 10
097GrindingAway2 098PaintingTheSuperstructure 099SteveWynot 100OfficeRepairw
097 Grinding Away . 098 Painting The Superstructure. 099 Steve Wynot. 100 Office Repairs.
101CathyCleans 102CathyCleans2 103SailMaker 104ScalingTheDeck
101Cathy Cleans. 102 Cathy Cleans2. 103 SailMaker. 104 Scaling The Deck.
105USSSlater 106USSSlater 107USSSlater 108USSSlater
105 USS Slater. 106 USS Slater. 107 USS Slater. 108 USS Slater.


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