USS Slater - October 2020 Work Week
Bill Maloney


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049MastForwardView 050FightingLampsControlBoxes 051FightingLampsControlBoxes 052FightingLampsControlBoxes
049 Mast Forward View. 050 Fighting Lamps Control Boxes. 051 Fighting Lamps Control Boxes. 052 Fighting Lamps Control Boxes.
053FightingLampsControlBoxes 054FightingLampsControlBoxes 055PaintingTheStack 056PaintingTheStack
053 Fighting Lamps Control Boxes. 054 Fighting Lamps Control Boxes. 055 Painting The Stack. 056 Painting The Stack.
057Steering 058SmokeGenerator 059SmokeGenerator 060Steering
057 Steering. 058 Smoke Generator. 059 Smoke Generator. 060 Steering.


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