Pines Lake New Jersey - WWII B-17 Flyover
Bill Maloney

01B17FlyingFortress 02B17FromWestBeach 03B17OverBrookTerrace 04B17OverDam
01 B-17 Flying Fortress 02 B-17 From West Beach 03 B-17 Over Brook Terrace 04 B-17 Over Dam
05 B-17 Over Laurelwood Gardens

This particular Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress was flying out of Caldwell Wright airport August 15-16 giving rides for $400 per person. You could get inside the bomber on the ground for $5 per person. Their flight path took them right over Pines Lake on both the flight out and return and the flights lasted about 20 minutes. This particular B-17 is the Aluminum Overcast, a fully restored Flying Fortress based out of Oshkosh, WI and does tours around the country. You can visit the Aluminum Overcast's website here.

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