Quonset Air Museum - Other Exhibits & Restoration Candidates / 17NordenBombsight
Bill Maloney 5/10/2009 |
More Norden Bombsights at other Aviation Museums throughout the northeast |
Norden Bombsight at the New England Air Museum near Hartford, CT | A Norden Bombsight at the West Point Military Museum in West Point, NY |
Another Norden Bombsight at the Cradle of Aviation Museum in Garden City, NY | Norden Bombsight at the Mid Atlantic Air Museum in Reading, PA |
A Norden Bombsight at the Military Museum of Southern New England | One more Norden Bombsight at the Empire State Aerosciences Museum in Schenectady, NY |
A Norden Bombsight & Manual at the Wright Museum in Wolfeboro, NH | Another Norden Bombsight at the Air Mobility Command Museum in Dover, DE |
WWII Norden Bombsight at the Wings of Eagles Museum in Horseheads, NY | A Norden Bombsight at the MAPS Air Museum in North Canton, OH |
Norden Bombsight at the Air Heritage Museum in Beaver Falls, PA |
Length: 12 inches
Width: 24 inches
Height: 18 inches
Accuracy: The US Navy spec was 2.5 mils - a 2.5 foot miss per 1,000 feet of altitude - at 20,000 feet a bomb should theoretically fall within 50 feet of the aiming point. One out of every 10 Norden Bombsights produced was taken to a test facility for quality control and calibration. Nordens that were not calibrated had an accuracy of more like 14 mils, or a 14 foot miss for every 1,000 feet of altitude
Number Produced: 90,000 for a total cost of $1.1 billion
Unit Cost: $1,222 average