Submarine USS Nautilus Museum - Museum Exhibits / 29TurtleReplica
Bill Maloney

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The original Submarine Turtle was built in 1776 by David Bushnell as a means to destroy British ships at anchor. The Turtle's first target was the HMS Eagle on September 7, 1776. Sargent Ezra Lee was pulled into the vicinity of the Eagle after dark by longboats and proceded the rest of the way cranking the propeller by hand. He came up under the hull of the ship and attempted to bore a hole in the hull with the drill bit mounted atop the sub, but was unable to penetrate that area which appeared to be covered by a metal strap. The mission was to then attach a timed charge to the hull and make his getaway, but Lee broke off the attack. On the way back to his long boat crew he was spotted. He armed and jettisoned the explosive charge and for whatever reason the British who had started out after him turned back. He was picked up by Colonial forces shortly before the charge exploded in the water.