Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum - Avro Canada CF-100 Canuck
Bill Maloney

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01AvroCanadaCF100Canuck 02AvroCanadaCF100Canuck 03CF100MainGear 04CF100MainGear
01 Avro Canada CF-100 Canuck 02 Avro Canada CF-100 Canuck 03 CF-100 Main Gear 04 CF-100 Main Gear
05CF100DiveBrake 06AvroCanadaCF100Tail 07Orenda11TurbojetIntake 08Orenda11TurbojetExhaust
05 CF-100 Dive Brake 06 Avro Canada CF-100 Tail 07 Orenda 11 Turbojet Intake 08 Orenda 11 Turbojet Exhaust
09CF100WingTipTank 10CF100WingTipTank 12CF100Wing 13CF100Fuselage
09 CF-100 Wing Tip Tank 10 CF-100 Wing Tip Tank 12 CF-100 Canuck Wing 13 CF-100 Fuselage
14CF100Cockpit 15CF100EjectionSeat 16CF100BackSeat 17CF100Windscreen
14 CF-100 Cockpit 15 CF-100 Ejection Seat 16 CF-100 Canuck Back Seat 17 CF-100 Windscreen

Avro Canada CF-100 Canuck Specifications:

More Avro CF-100 Canucks at other aviation museums in the northeast
Avro CF-100 Canuck Avro CF-100
Another Avro CF-100 Canuck can be found at the USAF museum in Dayton, OH An Avro CF-100 Canuck at the Royal Canadian Air Force Museum in Trenton, Ontario, Canada

Length: 54 feet, 2 inches
60 feet, 10 inches
15 feet, 6 inches
Empty - 23,100lbs Max Takeoff - 33,450lbs
Max Speed: 640mph
Cruise Speed: 545mph
Range: 2,000 miles
Service Ceiling: 48,000 feet
Fuel Capacity: gallons
Powerplant: Two Orenda 11 Turbojet Engines 7,300lbs thrust each
 58 2.75 inch Mighty Mouse folding rockets
First Flight : 1952
Cost: $

Here's an interesting Youtube Video of the history of the CF-100 Canuck. And a second part of the CF-100 history.

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